part 3 of & series-----
We are now in part 3 of this series and we have looked at 2 of the different names that Isaiah listed for Jesus in Isaiah 9:6. We looked at how Jesus was called Wonderful Counselor and how He is both so wonderful and an excellent counselor. We have all of His wonderful counseling advice at the tip of our fingers and it’s FREE!
We also looked the name Mighty God and how that causes some confusion because Isaiah was calling Jesus - God. But then through some study we came to realized that the term Mighty God was more like saying Powerful Champion. What a champion Jesus is! What an amazing person to have in our corner. Jesus is our powerful champion and He’s already won!
So now we come to the third name that Isaiah listed and it’s just as confusing as the last one. The third name that is listed by Isaiah for Jesus is - Everlasting Father. Now we can all imagine why this can and does cause confusion. Jesus is always called the Son of God throughout the Bible. In fact, Isaiah says this in the first half of the verse:
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,” - Isaiah 9:6a NIV
Child? Son? These are not father terms. So what does this mean? How can Isaiah say that Jesus is going to be a child/son and an Everlasting Father? But I think we can find the answer to this in what Jesus was sent to do and what He did and how He acted.
I know that the topic of father has different meanings to people and it can stir up emotions. But in the remainder of this post I am not talking about an Earthly father. I am talking about an Everlasting Father. Jesus has acted in ways that no earthly father could ever act.
Jesus came to this earth to do one thing to show God’s love. He did it perfectly too. Jesus showed love to everyone that came into His path. He didn’t pick and choose. He showed love to all. He should love to children. He showed love to 12 men that were a mess. He showed love to a woman at a well in Samaria - which I might add He went out of His way to do. He showed love to a woman caught in adultery who was thrown at His feet by the Pharisees. He showed love to a tax collector named Zacchaeus. He showed love to all of us when He went to the cross and died for us.
Jesus is forgiving. Jesus never beat people over the head with their sin. Jesus just forgave them and moved on. Jesus cared more about them as a person and less about what they had done. Jesus talked with the woman at the well and then forgave her and she went back home and brought almost the whole town back with her. Jesus forgave one person and a whole town was led to a revival. Jesus forgave the woman caught in adultery. Jesus forgave Zacchaeus. Jesus forgave his disciples constantly for some of the things that they did. Jesus in his dying breath forgave the thief hanging on the cross next to Him. Jesus forgave us on the cross - past, present and future.
Jesus was patient. Jesus was patient with the Pharisees. Jesus was patient with the crowds. Jesus was patient with the 12 disciples. Jesus was patient with everyone. But Jesus wasn’t just patient then - He is patient now. Jesus is patient with us. I am glad the Jesus is patient.
Jesus has shown us great compassion. I think about it and I can’t get over the compassion that He has shown me. I am just one person in the whole world and Jesus came to this earth just for me. He came to this earth and died for me. He came to this earth to save me. But Jesus didn’t come for just me. He didn’t come to save just me. He came for the whole world. He came to save the whole world. The Gospel of John says it like this:
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” - John 3:16-17 NIV
Jesus came for everyone. He came to show great love, forgiveness, patience, compassion and so so so much more!
The good thing about all of this is that Jesus also isn’t going to ever go anywhere. He is always with us. He will always show us love and compassion and forgiveness and patience. This who Jesus is. This is what makes Jesus an Everlasting Father!
This post references Pastor Life -