part 2 of “At The Movies”
For this post, we are going to be looking at another familiar movie to many of you. But I am not going to run down the movie synopsis as I normally do in these posts. I recently watched “The Terminator” and something stood out to me that I had heard many times over. But for some reason, it jumped out at me this time. Here is the quote from the movie we are going to be looking at in this post…
“Listen, and understand. That terminator is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.” [1]
I think there are two reasons this quote stood out to me a little more this time is because when I watched the movie the most recent time. The first is because I was planning for this “At The Movies” series. The second was because of a series we did last fall called “Don’t Give The Enemy A Seat At Your Table” [2]. In that series, we looked in detail at how Satan is after you and trying every day to get a seat at your table.
We have a terminator that is out there to get us. He goes by the name of Satan. He is always out there to get us. He is out there. He doesn’t stop his attacks on us. He’s not afraid to use whatever he can in his attacks against us. He doesn’t feel pity or bad about what he does to us. He won’t stop until we are dead. In the Gospel of John, Jesus described Satan in half of one verse:
“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy…” - John 10:10 NLT
If you have seen “The Terminator” the words of that verse pretty much describe the purpose of the Terminator in the movie. The sole purpose of the Terminator in the movie was to seek out whom he was after and kill them. That was it. Period.
They also describe the very real intentions of Satan. He is out there with only one purpose - “to steal and kill and destroy”. He is out there to steal your marriage, your kids, your joy, your mind, your compassion, your relationships, and so much more. If he can, he would love not just to steal those things from you, but kill and destroy them. So then he can ultimately get at you. He does his best work when we are alone.
We see those instances in the Bible as well. In the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve, he got Eve alone and talked her into eating the fruit from the tree. He got Judas alone and talked him into betraying Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. He got Jesus alone and tried to talk Jesus out of going to the cross.
He does the same to us as well. He goes after our friends to get them to turn against us. He goes after our spouses to try and destroy that relationship. He goes after our kids to try and get them to turn away. He wants us alone.
But we aren’t ever alone. We have Jesus with us to help us fight Satan. Jesus is the only one who never gave into Satan. Jesus is a great battle partner against the attacks of Satan.
Jesus will fight with us and for us. He already did a major thing in the battle with the enemy. He died on the cross. When Jesus died on the cross it gave us complete victory over Satan. But Satan is a sore loser. So he still tries to take us out. He still tries to destroy all he can. But Satan has no power over us. None at all. Because of the blood of Jesus.
We have victory in Jesus!
[1] Michael Biehn as Kyle Resse - The Terminator -
[2] You can check out the series at
