part 1 of the “7:14” series
2 Chronicles 7:14 is a verse that has great power and healing potential - if we allow it to work in our lives. I have recently been drawn back to this verse over the last week to 10 days with all that is going on in this country as of late. This one verse can help a lot. In this series, I want to spend some time looking through this verse and unpacking the truth that is within.
First, I want to start off by saying one thing. As I was doing some searches surrounding this series, I came across a link in the search that was titled “stop quoting 2 Chronicles 7:14 for the USA”. When I saw that title, I was surprised by those words. The reason why I was so surprised is because we often try and put the Bible or God’s words in a box. We try and say things like “that’s the Old Testament” “those words are old and have no relevance now” “those words were written for a different group of people”. And so on and so on and so on. The Bible is alive (Hebrews 4:12) and because of that very reason, the Bible and its words remain relevant forever.
I believe that a passage in the Bible could me something to me now and then in 5 years mean something totally different. I believe that a Bible passage could mean something different to me and something else to you. I believe that there are also singular verses in the Bible that God uses to speak to us through as well. And yes, I know that there are some people that would say that the context is key if really want to know what the verse means. I would agree and say that we should not just go and pluck verses out of the Bible at random and twist the meaning of them around to fit an end goal we have. But if you are talking with God and reveals a verse to you - He is talking to you through that verse. I believe that to be the case for this verse in 2 Chronicles 7. God is using this verse to talk to His people and it doesn’t matter that it was originally referencing the nation of Israel. The verse is talking to us now! I know that because of the way it starts.
The verse starts with “if my people”. Now I know that there are going to be some that say that the word “my” means followers of Jesus. I don’t believe that is what it means. Why? Because that is putting God in a box and it is suggesting that God only talks to followers of Jesus. God talks to all people and we have a choice to listen or not. There are followers of Jesus that do not listen to the words God any better than those who don’t follow Jesus.
Also, I know that some will say that “my” people is the nation of Israel because they were God’s chosen people. But again, that is putting God’s words in a box and saying that once the people He was talking to died that those words He spoke mean nothing. But God’s words transcend time. They aren’t for just Israel.
We are all God people. He created us all in His image (Genesis 1:26-27). So when God says “if MY people” He is talking to planet Earth and God probably wishes this planet would tune in just a bit to what He is saying.
However, I can’t just go past the next part of the verse either. The next part of the verse says “who are called by name”. In those words, God is referring to followers of Jesus. In fact, He is putting emphasis on followers Jesus. There is almost a sense of urging those who are called by His name to do what remaining parts of the verse says. It is almost as if God is saying “if my people - especially those who say that follow me - would do what I say in this verse” it could change so much.
God wants to heal the land and that is very clear. But He wants His people - not just followers of Jesus - but HIS PEOPLE to do their part in the healing process. But the process isn’t an overnight one. This isn’t a process where we pray and seek the face of God and then the next day all is well. No, this is a continuous process that will take a lot of time. But God says He will heal the land and I believe Him. God has never broken a promise.